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Make-A-Wish® takes off on #TripsThatTransform

Of the more than 15,400 wishes fulfilled in 2017 by Make-A-Wish America, approximately 77 percent required travel. Travel resources are the greatest need to grant more wishes for children facing critical illnesses. Make-A-Wish relies on airline partners, rental car companies and accommodation partners to make these wishes possible.

Throughout the month of August, Make-A-Wish will celebrate their partners American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, Allegiant Air, JetBlue, Avis and Airbnb by sharing stories of wishes come true—all made possible by these generous partners. Follow along all month with #TripsThatTransform.

A wish experience is frequently a source of inspiration for children undergoing difficult medical treatments and a positive force that helps them overcome their obstacles. A wish can be the catalyst that rekindles a child’s belief in themselves and the promise of their future—travel wishes are #TripsThatTransform.

By the numbers:

77 – the percent of wishes which require travel annually

159 million – the number of airline miles/points donated each year by Make-A-Wish airline partners and their customers

3 billion – the number of airline miles/points needed each year to grant all travel-related wishes

Airlines have made it easier for customers to help make wishes through the donation of airline miles and points. If travelers have points they cannot use or are expiring soon, they can donate the points to Make-A-Wish by visiting and click the link for the appropriate carrier.

Once donated to Make-A-Wish, the miles and points will not expire and will go directly to flying wish children and their families on #TripsThatTransform. By supporting Travel Month, along with the travel partners, Make-A-Wish will be able to grant even more wishes nationwide.

“A wish trip is more than a vacation. A wish is an important—and often necessary – part of a child’s medical and treatment journey,” said David Williams, president and CEO of Make-A-Wish America.

“We believe that every eligible child deserves a wish. And our travel partners – American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, Allegiant Air, JetBlue, Avis and Airbnb –are critical in helping make these life-changing wishes come true every, single day.”

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