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South Africa to review visas issued since 2004

Xinhua — South Africa’s Minister of Home Affairs Aaron Motsoaledi on Wednesday announced the establishment of a panel of experts to review the visas and permits issued since 2004.

Motsoaledi, at a press briefing in Pretoria, said the committee comprises lawyers, political scientists, social scientists, and architects of electoral systems. They will investigate corporate visa, business visa, critical skills visa, retired persons’ visa, citizenship by naturalization and study visa.

“We are undertaking this review to ensure that each permit has been issued to a qualifying person because our immigration laws have to be implemented in a manner that facilitates economic development and encourages social stability. The committee will also identify loopholes in our system and recommend improvements,” he said.

He said the home affairs department must facilitate the economic recovery in the post COVID-19 era.

“The expeditious and accurate issuance of these permits can contribute to growing the economy as we emerge from the impact of COVID-19,” he said.

Motsoaledi said the committee has already started work and is expected to present an interim report in three months.

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