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Special Canadian Citizenship Ceremony at Pier 21

Today, many immigrants, including a well-known Antigonish business owner, realized their dreams of Canadian citizenship.

Fifty immigrants from 14 countries became Canadian citizens at a special ceremony held today at Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The Honourable Marco E.L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P., Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, delivered the oath of citizenship and congratulated the new Canadians.

Among them was Tareq Hadhad, who was taking a well-earned break from his popular Peace by Chocolate business in Antigonish, Nova Scotia to fulfill his dream of becoming a Canadian citizen.

New Canadian Citizens

Like Mr. Hadhad, many immigrants have travelled from afar, endured hardships, and worked hard to come to Canada and to obtain Canadian citizenship.

Canada has always welcomed immigrants and helped them to settle, integrate and succeed. The success of our immigrants is our success as a strong, diverse and united country.

“Today, we welcomed 50 new citizens to the Canadian family in a poignant ceremony at Pier 21, where generations of immigrants first stepped onto Canadian soil.

Canada has always believed in immigration and has been strengthened by the diversity of its citizens. Those who have taken the oath of citizenship today inherit the legacy of those who have come before them and the values that have defined the character and the principles of Canada.”

– The Honourable Marco E.L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P., Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Quick facts

  • The citizenship ceremony is a significant milestone in the immigration and settlement process for newcomers to Canada. Taking the oath of citizenship is a necessary legal step to being granted Canadian citizenship.
  • Mr. Hadhad came to Canada as a Syrian refugee. In Syria, his family sold chocolates across the Middle East. Here in Canada, they have relaunched the business with a focus on peace and job creation.
  • As of November 30, 2019, 2490 Syrian refugees have become Canadian citizens.
  • Pier 21 is a National Historic Site which was the gateway to Canada for one million immigrants between 1928 and 1971. It also served as the departure point for 368,000 Canadian Military personnel during the Second World War. Today, Pier 21 hosts the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21—Atlantic Canada’s only national museum. (Source: Pier 21 website).
  • Over the last 10 years, Canada has welcomed nearly 1.7 million new Canadians. In 2018 alone, more than 175,000 people became Canadian.
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