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The top 10 Destinations & Reasons to “Travel with Purpose” in 2021 according to Amazon Prime Video’s highly rated “Global Child” travel series

“The best way to let go of the past is to look towards the future,” says Augusto Valverde, the creator and host of Global Child “Travel with Purpose” now in its third season of exploring the world through the best experiences and giving back everywhere they go. “But where to journey with so many options, right? With the world starting to open up, it’s really a matter of priorities.

In our second season we visited ten incredible destinations where we ‘travelled with purpose’ and gave back as we discovered positive life lessons,” Says Augusto, with a hopeful smile.

As 2020 winds down, the vaccine begins to be distributed and the world begins to adapt and re-open, several destinations are already flirting with international passengers to begin to romance their hearts and imaginations. However, with so many changes to the world, many travelers have found new found priorities that also include giving back, learning from the destination and sharing the positive experience with the world.

It’s no longer about just being a consumer, but it’s about actually bringing added value to the world we all inhabit and the places we go. That’s exactly why Augusto created the Global Child series, first launching on ten major airlines that carry over 500 million yearly passengers and now reaching millions on Amazon Prime Video as well. More importantly, he brings different influencers and celebrities on the journey to give back together.

“We wanted to inspire travelers to remember that everyone is part of one global family and we have so much more in common than what sets us apart. It’s time to leave the divisive behind and embrace the future together. Doing good in each place we visit, not only is a great blessing for each place we visit, but it actually does wonders for our own soul.

Humans are wired to give; that’s where joy comes from. Joy is proportional to gratitude. If we feel unhappy, we have to check our gratitude levels and what we are giving to the world around us. I know it’s tough, but we can always give at least a smile. That’s why we chose these amazing ten destinations to showcase in our Second Season of: Global Child “Travel with Purpose” now streaming on Amazon Prime Video,” Says Augusto.

Here are Global Child’s top ten destinations to visit in 2021, in no particular order but with a definite charitable act and the life lesson we discovered in each one, as well as an idea on how to give back in each place. You can see the full one hour episodes on Amazon Prime Video right now for a deeper dive and a welcomed reprieve!

10. Montreal
The lesson: Learning with Laughter
Why: Montreal is full of urban culture and is a sustainable mix of French and English cultures living in harmony to create one of the top art scenes in the world.
Give back idea: Support Animal Shelters.

9. Ireland
The lesson: The Craft of Curiosity
Why: The Irish are friendly because of their curious nature. The quickest way to make a friend is to ask questions and be curious about who they are and their lives.
Give back idea: Support local tour guides who show you their ancient traditions.

8. Mexico
The lesson: Rediscovering our Roots
Why: If we don’t know where we come from, how can we know where we are going? Diving into the history of other cultures and our own helps us to understand the future.
Give back idea: Indigenous Bee Conservation in the Mayan Riviera.

7. India
The lesson: The Excellence of Empathy
Why: There is no higher indicator of love than the ability to empathize with others, particularly those who are suffering or in difficult circumstances.
Giving back idea: Partner with Global Child as we sponsor Leper Colonies in the south of India with food and essentials.

6. Brazil
The lesson: The Joy of Simplicity
Why: We don’t need for something to be expensive to be beautiful. Most of nature is free and in Brazil they have that in spades.
Giving back idea: Help to sponsor the tour guides at local favelas and donate to their local community schools.

5. Montenegro
The lesson: The Miracle of Surprise
Why: Life has a way of surprising us with beautiful miracles when we learn to recognize messes as messages that can help us grow.
Giving back idea: Donate towards the Skadar National Park for its ongoing nature conservation efforts and the protection of several endemic species to the Balkan region.

4. Maldives
The lesson: The Nation of Imagination
Why: Discover how in Maldives they’ve used their imagination to create some of the most beautiful hotels from the basics of sand and turquoise water. Everything begins with imagination.
Giving back idea: Partner with several coral conservation efforts that are trying to replenish the dying coral reefs due to global warming and pollution.

3. Greece
The lesson: The Genius of Generosity
Why: Being generous is the most genius choice we can make in life. It turns strangers into friends and friends into family. Greece embodies generosity and have done so for generations.
Giving back idea: Partner with Global Child in on-going efforts sponsoring a school for refugee children in the outside of Athens and other cultural conservation efforts.

2. Costa Rica
The lesson: The Wealth of Conservation
Why: The difference between being rich and being wealthy, is that the first consumed and the second sustains. The most valuable thing we have in life is what we already posses, from nature to health.
Giving back idea: Partner with Miss Costa Rica and Global Child to clean local beaches around Costa Rica.

1. Poland
The lesson: The Purpose of Teamwork
Why: We are always better when we work together. Life is for a purpose and everyone was born for a purpose. When we discover our own purpose we can collaborate to help others achieve their own!
Giving back idea: Partner with Global Child and Miss Polonia to support an orphanage for handicapped children in the city of Lodz.

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