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Updated Interview Waiver Rules – U.S. Embassy

February 20, 2025 – Recent changes to the U.S. Department of State’s interview waiver authorities allow for visa interviews to be waived only for:
  • applicants under 14 and over 79 years of age;
  • applicants for A-1, A-2, C-3, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 through NATO-6, or TECRO E-1 visas;
  • applicants for diplomatic- or official-type visas;
  • applicants who previously held a visa in the same category that expired less than 12 months prior to the new application

If I do not fall into one of the categories above but have already submitted my application through the Interview Waiver process, will the Embassy still process my visa application as an Interview Waiver application?

No, applications already submitted as Interview Waiver applications that have not been adjudicated that do not meet the current criteria described above will be refused under INA 221(g) and returned to the applicant with instructions on how to schedule an in-person interview.

If I submitted my application through the Interview Waiver process within 12 months of my visa’s expiration, but now the visa is more than 12 months expired, will the Embassy continue with my Interview Waiver application?

Yes, we can adjudicate your visa application as an Interview Waiver case as long as you made the application within 12 months of the visa’s expiration.

If I fall into one of the categories of applicants above, does that mean my interview must be waived?

No, Consular Officers have the authority to require in-person interviews for any reason and in any case where the applicant has submitted an application that otherwise qualifies for Interview Waiver.

Will this change in Interview Waiver rules have an effect on wait times?

This change may lengthen some visa wait times. Given our laser focus on national and border security, we are working diligently to ensure an efficient, smooth, and effective visa process that protects America’s security.

Source: U.S. Embassy

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