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Canada Meets Its Francophone Immigration Target in 2022

Last updated on 25 January 2023

Immigration is a core value in Canada and reflects the cultural mosaic that shapes our country’s identity. The contribution of Francophone immigration is even more undeniable because it enriches the linguistic, demographic and economic fabric of Francophone communities.

Today, the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Marie-France Lalonde, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister, and Marc G. Serré, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Official Languages, were at École secondaire catholique Franco-Cité in Sturgeon Falls to announce that Canada has achieved its target of 4.4% of French-speaking immigrants outside Quebec in 2022.

Over the past year, more than 16,300 new immigrants have settled in Francophone minority communities across Canada. During the first census year in 2006, the number of admissions of French-speaking residents outside Quebec was just over 2,800. This represents a significant jump of 3.02% (from 1.38% to 4.4%) between 2006 and 2022. This is the largest number of French-speaking immigrants outside Quebec that the country has welcomed since the data began to be recorded. These newcomers contribute to the development of those communities outside Quebec and to the diversity of our country’s cultural and linguistic landscape. They also help strengthen the economy of the communities in which they have settled.

By achieving this target, Canada shows it is involved in and supports enhancing the vitality of Francophone minority communities. The accomplishment also means that those newcomers are making a greater contribution to promoting the French language and addressing the labour shortage throughout the country. None of this would be possible without close collaboration with the provinces and territories, as well as with Francophone stakeholders.

Canada is continuing its work on Francophone immigration outside Quebec, a key priority in the years ahead. The government reaffirms its commitment to promoting population growth and economic prosperity and is currently developing a Francophone immigration policy that will strengthen and guide our work. We are on the road to success and will continue working to achieve ambitious Francophone immigration objectives in the years to come.

“Today, we are showing that Francophone immigration is at the heart of the values that make Canada rich, both culturally and through the distinct character of its 2 official languages. We have achieved our target. It is a significant milestone and reflects the importance and contribution of French-speaking immigrants to the vitality and development of Francophone communities outside Quebec. We will continue to welcome French-speaking immigrants to ensure the viability of these key communities that are helping to shape the future of our country.”

– The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship 

“Francophone immigration plays a key role in restoring the demographic weight of Francophone minority communities, in addition to contributing closely to the economic development of our country. Today’s announcement is a step in the right direction and will give us the momentum we need to adopt a robust new Francophone immigration policy, presented in Bill C-13, with objectives, targets and specific indicators that will ensure the sustainability of the French language.”

– The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages 

“Newcomers are essential to the development and vitality of Francophone communities. This is especially true in minority communities. Canada has always been a pioneer in its efforts to create more opportunities to help these communities prosper culturally and economically and, in doing so, increase their demographic weight.”

– Marie-France Lalonde, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship  

Quick facts

  • The achievement of the target of 4.4% of admissions outside Quebec represents an increase in the proportion achieved each year since 2006, the year in which the census of data began. Here’s the breakdown of that data: 1.38% (2857) in 2006; 1.56% (2985) in 2007; 1.58% (3192) in 2008; 1.58% (3197) in 2009; 1.53% (3462) in 2010; 1.82% (3593) in 2011; 1.80% (3652) in 2012; 1.78% (3696) in 2013; 1.44% (3033) in 2014; 1.34% (2995) in 2015; 1.61% (3910) in 2016; 1.77% (4141) in 2017; 1.82% (4922) in 2018; 2.82% (8470) in 2019; 3.61% (5756) in 2020; 1.95% (6949) in 2021; 4.44% (16371) in 2022.

    *Data represents preliminary estimates and may be subject to change.

  • Over the past 5 years, the number of Francophone immigrants has increased by 42,470 permanent residents. Since immigration levels rise every year, the 4.4% target represents more immigrants in 2022 compared with 2018. This means that not only have we achieved our targets, but we have also welcomed more than 3 times the number of immigrants compared with 2018.
  • French is the first official language spoken by a growing number of Canadians, but the proportion that French-speaking Canadians represents dropped from 2016 (22.2%) to 2021 (21.4%).
  • From 2016 to 2021, the number of Canadians who speak mostly French at home increased in Quebec, British Columbia and Yukon, but decreased in the other provinces and territories.
  • In 2019, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada released “Meeting Our Objectives: Francophone Immigration Strategy,” with one of its objectives being to reach a target of 4.4% of French-speaking immigrants outside Quebec by 2023.
  • Through the Action Plan for Official Languages 2018–2023, the Government of Canada allocated nearly $500 million over 5 years to support official languages, including $40.7 million for Francophone immigration initiatives.
  • Canadians across the country can see the extent to which newcomers benefit local communities thanks to the Immigration Matters campaign.
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