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US to Celebrate Independence Day by Welcoming Nearly 7,500 New Citizens

This week, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will celebrate the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States by welcoming almost 7,500 new citizens in nearly 110 naturalization ceremonies between July 1 and July 5. The naturalization ceremonies will be held in venues across the country, and include several notable ceremonies.

Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli will administer the Oath of Allegiance and deliver congratulatory remarks to 52 new Americans at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum on July 2 in New York City, while that same day, Deputy Director Mark Koumans will deliver congratulatory remarks to new citizens at a ceremony on board the USS Constitution in Boston. On July 4, Acting Director Cuccinelli will administer the Oath of Allegiance at a special ceremony at the National Archives Museum, where the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights are housed.

On July 4, the U.S. celebrate the day the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776, declaring that the 13 American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation – the United States of America – and were no longer part of the British Empire. Each year, USCIS marks Independence Day with naturalization ceremonies.

“It is an honor for me to welcome these new United States citizens as we celebrate the 243rd birthday of our nation,” said Acting Director Cuccinelli. “To host a significant event such as a naturalization ceremony on the grounds where the Twin Towers once stood is a vivid reminder of the resiliency of our nation and of why so many people around the world make sacrifices each day in order to call the United States their new home.”

USCIS is committed to promoting awareness and understanding of citizenship by offering a variety of free citizenship preparation resources for applicants and teachers, including materials like the Establishing Independence lesson plan in the Citizenship Resource Center. Immigrant-serving organizations can register to receive a free Civics and Citizenship Toolkit to help lawful permanent residents prepare for naturalization.

Naturalization is the most significant benefit USCIS offers. Immigrants who lawfully becomes U.S. citizens through naturalization express their attachment to the Constitution and commitment to assimilate into the American society.

View a list of highlighted 2019 Independence Day-themed naturalization ceremonies.

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